Antiques - Seating - Lounge Chairs Archives - Anne Hauck
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Pair of Chairs 462CC

DESCRIPTION As shown: Pair of Salon/Boudoir Chairs with foot stool that are attributed to Paul Follot. The seats and ottoman feature silk upholstery with gold embroidery and all feet showcase gold leaf. YEAR c. 1920's COUNTRY France MEASUREMENTS 29.5" W x 29"D x 38.5"H 18" Seat Height...

Pair of Chairs/Love Seat 441CC

DESCRIPTION As shown: Pair of Corner Chairs upholstered in silk with black lacquer legs. YEAR c. 1940's COUNTRY France MEASUREMENTS 33"W x 33"D x 27"h Seat Height: 19"

Lounge Chairs 507SC

DESCRIPTION As shown: Pair of Mid-Century Italian Lounge chairs. These stylish newly upholstered armchairs feature a spherical shape with a soft cream fabric with white gold flex. This chairs showcases tapered brass legs that accent the upholstery. ...


DESCRIPTION As shown: This neoclassical style Sofa/Love Seat has carved wooden frame covered with gold leaf. The set includes 4 chairs (2 with arms, 2 armless) that are all in a white muslin, to allow for custom upholstery. Sofa and chairs sold separately. COUNTRY France YEAR c. 1930's MEASUREMENTS Sofa:49"W x...

Lounge Chairs 502SC

DESCRIPTION As shown: Steiner Edition Low Gondola Armchairs by Etienne-Henri Martin. This pair of chairs features a stained Rosewood frame with newly upholstered cinnamon velvet fabric. The seat back showcases scallop channeling accented with curved arms. MAKER Etienne Henri Martin (1905 - 1993) COUNTRY France YEAR c. 1952 MEASUREMENTS 28W" x 27"D x...