All Items - Case Pieces - Sideboards Archives - Anne Hauck
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Sideboard 197SB

DESCRIPTION As shown: This Art Deco Sideboard is crafted in a rosewood with a high gloss finish. Each side features a parchment door with gold trim. The center showcases four drawers with brass and lucite hardware. YEAR c. 1930's COUNTRY France MEASUREMENTS 59"W x 18.75"D x...

Sideboard 208SB

DESCRIPTION As shown: This French Art Deco sideboard is Rosewood frame with maple burl center doors and Diamond Harlequin pattern on doors. The sideboard features Original brass hardware and detailing on base. The interior has five drawers on each side of cabinet and Shelving...

Sideboard Dorian

ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This modern sideboard features a grey stained Sycamore body in a high gloss finish, with an elaborate patchwork pattern on the front and sides of the cabinet. Top top veneer is a straight sycamore design. A thin border detail and...