Vase Archives - Anne Hauck
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Vase 1196V

DESCRIPTION As shown: French Art Deco oversized porcelain vase with decorative twisted gold rope draped around the neck, handles and base. COUNTRY France YEAR c. 1930's MEASUREMENTS 28"H x 14"W x 10"D

Pair of Vases 1178V

COUNTRY France YEAR Mid-Century DESCRIPTION Set of Vases in the style of Jean Dunand. Hand...

Vase 1165V

COUNTRY France YEAR Vintage DESCRIPTION Art Deco style vase with grey lacquered background. Geometric shapes...

Vase 1162V

COUNTRY France YEAR Vintage DESCRIPTION Art Deco style vase with light green and dark green...

Vase 1160V-R

COUNTRY France YEAR Vintage DESCRIPTION In the style of Jean Dunand. The vase displays a...

Oversized Chinese Vase 1190V

COUNTRY China YEAR Late 19th Century DESCRIPTION Extra large Chinese Cantonese porcelain urn vase. Hand painted scenes of flowers and birds in nature motif...

Snake Vases

ANNE HAUCK COLLECTION DESCRIPTION As shown: Porcelain Black Lacquer Gold Leaf Crackle Snake Motif Dimensions 14.5"H x 7.75"Dia

Vase 1179V

COUNTRY France YEAR c. 1940's DESCRIPTION Black Vase with Gold Leaf Details Raised Elephant Family on body with stylized grass Lacquered DIMENSIONS 17.5"H x 13" dia [eltd_separator...

Pair of Vases 1173V

COUNTRY USA YEAR c. 1960/70's DESCRIPTION Porcelain Hand Painted Shell Motif DIMENSIONS 23"H x 9"Dia