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Sofa 410S

ANNE HAUCK COLLECTION DESCRIPTION As Shown: Art Deco sofa in the style of Jean Michel Frank. Indian Rosewood frame in french polish. Built-in side tables/cabinets with brass hardware. Upholstered in black tweed fabric. As is condition. COUNTRY France YEAR c. 1930's MEASUREMENTS 34"H x 96"W x 36"D SALE ITEM - LIMITED TIME ONLY ORIGINAL PRICE: $10,500.00 SALE...


DESCRIPTION As shown: This neoclassical style love seat features a carved frame in gold leaf. The seat and back are covered in white muslin to allow for custom fabric. We also have the matching 4 Chairs available (2 with arms, 2 armless). See: COUNTRY France YEAR c. 1930's MEASUREMENTS 49"W...