Chair Archives - Anne Hauck
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Lounge Chair Hamilton

ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: The Lounge Chair Hamilton is a comfortable lounge chair that features a fully upholstered body. This traditional chair showcases tapered legs wooden finish that can be in matte or high gloss. This lounge chair would be perfect in a...

Lounge Chair Mille

ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This compact rounded lounge chair features tight upholstery throughout the piece and a curved back. The Mille Lounge Chair showcases a recessed brushed brass base and is optional to have metal nail head details on the inner back side...

Lounge Chair Clyde

ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This traditional lounge chair features an Ivory Lacquer frame with High Gloss Finish. The rounded upholstered back makes this lounge chair feel comfortable and cozy. The contrast leather and fabric combination elevate this lounge chair and make it...

Chair Amber 2

ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This modern chair showcases crisp edges and diagonal lines that make this chair perfect as a dining or occasional chair. The Amber chair features a black oak frame with an open pore matte finish. This chair has tight...

Chair Amber 1

ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This modern chair showcases crisp edges and diagonal lines that make this chair perfect as a dining or occasional chair. The Amber chair features a black oak frame with an open pore matte finish. This chair has tight...