Two-tier Archives - Anne Hauck
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Modern round side table in white and black lacquer

Side Table Balada

Modern round side table in white and black lacquer Modern round side table in white and black lacquer
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This classic side table features a two-tiered top with contrasting lacquers alongside the curved legs. The oval table is available in lacquer or wood and allows for customization in finishes and sizes. The contrasting look of opposing lacquers or woods...

Round Two tier side table in lacquer or wood

Side Table Onix

Two tiered round black onyx side table with brass legs Two tiered round black onyx side table with brass legs
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This sleek, round, two-tier side table Onix is the ultimate marriage of good design and functionality. Transitional and electric in design. This two-tiered design in either wood veneer or lacquer is perfect to set a drink down next to a...

Chandelier Eric

ANNE HAUCK COLLECTION DESCRIPTION As shown: This large mid-century style chandelier features a two tiered frame with spider arms. Brushed brass arms support 14 perforated cylinder shades which can be made in any lacquer color of your choosing. Shown here in off-white lacquer. DIMENSIONS 51.25"Dia x 47.25"H Design: JLC [eltd_separator class_name=""...

Chandelier Perrine

ANNE HAUCK COLLECTION DESCRIPTION As shown: Two-Tier Rectangular Chandelier Satin Brass Finish Stepped Design on Tiers and Canopy Frosted Glass Overhang Custom finishes available Three tier, Square Option available as well. Dimensions 38"H...