sculptural Archives - Anne Hauck
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High gloss Macassar ebony and lacquer contemporary sculptural side table with offset layered base and round wood top

Side Table Tivoli

High gloss Macassar ebony offset layered cylindrical base with wood top High gloss Macassar ebony offset layered cylindrical base with wood top
Contemporary sculptural base round side table with offset cylindrical sectioned base and round top Contemporary sculptural base round side table with offset cylindrical sectioned base and round top
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION Offset layers of varying sized cylinders make up the base of this contemporary sculptural side table. Artfully pieced sections of wood and lacquer seem to rotate as you move around it, making the round Side Table Tivoli as playful as it...

Pair of Chairs 450CC

COUNTRY Germany YEAR 1930-40's DESCRIPTION Sculptural modernist, industrial chairs in steel with a red leather...