Scalloped Archives - Anne Hauck
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Sofa Marie

ANNE HAUCK COLLECTION DESCRIPTION As shown: This elegant sofa features a scalloped back with a single seat cushion and upholstered arms. The borders and seat cushion are finished with a contrast piping in black velvet. The hand carved frame is done in Maple Espresso in a high...

Armchair Langen

ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: Inspired by Mid-century modern design, this armchair features a scalloped shape with channelled tight-back upholstery, contrast piping and a cushioned seat. The upholstered frame sits atop slender tapered brushed brass legs. This modern armchair with scalloped back is deep and...

Lounge Chair Sorbonne

ANNE HAUCK COLLECTION DESCRIPTION As shown: Curved Scalloped Chair Gold Leaf Feet Upholstered Body in Fabric or Leather, C.O.M Custom feet available Dimensions 33"H x 34"W x 30"D ...