modern table lamp Archives - Anne Hauck
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modern white lacquer table lamp with brass accents

Table Lamp Sahana

modern white lacquer table lamp with brass accents modern white lacquer table lamp with brass accents
Modern lacquer table lamp in white lacquer with brass rings Modern lacquer table lamp in white lacquer with brass rings
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This modern table lamp features a timeless design with stacked cylinders with metal divisions in brushed brass. The cylinders are available in any lacquer color and is also offered in a wooden stain. The shade is custom in size and...

modern wooden table lamp in Macassar high gloss

Table Lamp Krypton

modern wooden table lamp in Macassar high gloss modern wooden table lamp in Macassar high gloss
Chicago cabinet next to chair in room Chicago cabinet next to chair in room
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This asymmetrical angled table lamp features a wooden base with Macassar ebony veneer in a high gloss finish. The shade is custom in size and color, and the electrical hardware is shown in brass. The modern wooden table lamp offers...

modern table lamp in wood with stones of tiger eyes

Table Lamp Tiger Eyes

modern table lamp in wood with stones of tiger eyes modern table lamp in wood with stones of tiger eyes
modern table lamp in wood with stones of tiger eyes modern table lamp in wood with stones of tiger eyes
tall table lamp n wood with brown stones tall table lamp n wood with brown stones
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This modern table lamp features a black wooden tapered stem with options for different colored tiger eye stones. The first image shown shows the tiger eye stones in a golden brown, but we also offer the stones in a black...

modern table lamp in wood and brass with macassar tiers

Table Lamp Haven

modern table lamp in wood and brass with macassar tiers modern table lamp in wood and brass with macassar tiers
modern table lamp with two tiers in mustard lacquer high gloss modern table lamp with two tiers in mustard lacquer high gloss
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This modern table lamp features angled designs of wooden tiers in either a natural or veneer wood, or in a high gloss lacquer finish. Three sizes are available with one, two or three angled design tiers. The first image shows...