modern sofa Archives - Anne Hauck
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Curved sofa with brass legs

Sofa Hanover

This modern sofa features curved metal legs in brass- a beautiful detail visible all around. Comfortable for formal or informal lounging. Bespoke sizes and metal finishes available. ...

Modern sofa with metal inlays

Sofa Bolton

Our new custom sofa Bolton features stunning metals inlays in brass along the arms and back while showcasing a recessed brass base. Custom sizes, metals and fabrics are available. ...

Modern sofa with brass metal

Sofa Tremont

Modern sofa with metal Modern sofa with metal
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This sleek sofa has a modern design that elevates the sofa to the focal point of the room. The streamline body with square arms and back features three metal linear details that wrap around the arms and back. The metal...

Modern Sofa with channel upholstery and recessed brass metal base

Sofa Malabar

Modern Sofa with channel upholstery and recessed brass metal base Modern Sofa with channel upholstery and recessed brass metal base
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This sleek, streamline sofa has a classic design that fits beautifully into any space, whether it be a living room or bedroom. The modern body with square arms and back features channel upholstery that divides up the sections with piping....