brown coffee table Archives - Anne Hauck
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Square Coffee Table in Dark Walnut with Smoked Brass Inlay around the base and bottom of the base apron.

Coffee Table Fisher

Square Coffee Table in Dark Walnut with Smoked Brass Inlay around the base and bottom of the base apron. Square Coffee Table in Dark Walnut with Smoked Brass Inlay around the base and bottom of the base apron.
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This rectangular coffee table is crafted in a dark espresso canola wood with a high gloss finish. The inlaid top is a bronze tinted mirrored glass. A smoked brass detail inlay, which wraps around the apron and the base adds...


ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: The Aspen coffee table features two pedestal bases. One base showcases a square cube design while the other a more slider rectangular form. A smoked bronze rectangular glass top adds durability and easy use to the piece. Delicate smoked brass...

Mid Century coffee table continental height in rosewood

Continental Table 498CT

COUNTRY France YEAR 1930's DESCRIPTION Round coffee or side table with a rosewood top and...