brass base Archives - Anne Hauck
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Lounge Chair Nuvem

modern swivel lounge chair with pleated upholstery and brass base modern swivel lounge chair with pleated upholstery and brass base
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: This contemporary lounge chair embodies the coolness of this modern age. The rounded form with its curved back swivel base make it comfortable for any space and a perfect conversational chair for an open plan living area. Pleated upholstery adds...

Dining Table Krypton

ANNE HAUCK COLLECTION DESCRIPTION As shown: The Krypton table showcases an angular cross base in a brushed brass finish. The top is set with white marble within a jagged edge border of brushed brass to match the base. Dimensions 55.25"Dia x 29.5"H Design: JLC [eltd_separator class_name="" type="normal" position="center" color="#cec6c6" border_style="solid" width=""...