armoire Archives - Anne Hauck
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Cabinet 137A

DESCRIPTION As shown: French Art Deco grande Sycamore cabinet with floral bas relief detail in gold leaf. The cabinet doors showcase a parquetry pattern with a gold leaf detail around the border. The base features two large scroll legs on either side. Shelving inside...


DESCRIPTION As shown: Extra Large Art Deco Armoire crafted with Amboyna Burl in high gloss. Two grand doors decorate the facade with an inlaid ivory diamond pattern. Multiple shelves on the interior. The Base is comprised of four sloped legs with Ivory feet. Grand...

Grey Sycamore Cabinet with vitrine glass doors lower cabinets and shelving

Cabinet Hamilton

Grey Sycamore Cabinet with vitrine glass doors lower cabinets and shelving Grey Sycamore Cabinet with vitrine glass doors lower cabinets and shelving
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: Sleek and modern cabinet with custom compartments. As shown here, this cabinet showcases two lower compartments of added storage on either side with three exposed shelves above. The center displays a vitrine-like enclosure with glass doors. The piece is shown...