Collection - Case Pieces - Bars Archives - Anne Hauck
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wooden bar cart with brass wheels and details mid century modern

Bar Cart Enzo

Everyone needs a bar cart. Available in custom woods or lacquers, the frame is featured in brushed brass. With enough surface space, this bar can accommodate lots of glassware and bottles. ...

Mid Century Modern Cabinet for storage like barware and servongware in lacquer and brass

Cabinet Luster

Function and beautiful. This cabinet is ideal to store barware or serving plates. One can never have enough storage possibilities in ones home. Can be converted to house a TV or as a wardrobe as well. ...

Tall Modern Bar cabinet in Eucalyptus wood and brass

Bar Cabinet Loren

Tall Modern Bar cabinet in Eucalyptus wood and brass Tall Modern Bar cabinet in Eucalyptus wood and brass
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: Tall bar cabinet in light Eucaylptus wood with a faint starburst pattern on doors. Metal border inlays and custom details in a smoked brass finish. The hardware is custom with Eucaylptus handles with the tips and backplate also in smoked...

Modern bar cabinet in sycamore with brushed brass

Bar Cabinet Hamilton

Modern bar cabinet in sycamore with brushed brass Modern bar cabinet in sycamore with brushed brass
ANNE HAUCK STUDIO LINE DESCRIPTION As shown: Modern bar cabinet in light grey Sycamore with contrasting sycamore border. The metal feet, stretcher and hardware is brushed brass. The interior houses shelving for glasses and decanters with an optional addition of LED lighting. Also available in lacquers, alternative...

Modern wood cabinet with metal giacometti legs

Cabinet Brock

Our custom cabinet Bruck features a stunning exterior with a concave design in open pore matte Macassar ebony marquetry. The legs are hammered in dark bronze with the top in granite and the interior in suede. ...

Bar Helena

ANNE HAUCK COLLECTION DESCRIPTION As shown: Demi Lune Bar Macassar Ebony Front Black Lacquer Stepped Top Polished Nickel Foot Rest Black Interior with shelving Custom sizes, woods and finishes available Dimensions 43"H x 57"L x 36"D