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Art Deco Marble Wall Console with wrought iron base.

Console 0057CNS

Art Deco Marble Wall Console with wrought iron base. Art Deco Marble Wall Console with wrought iron base.
DESCRIPTION As shown: This demi-lune Art Deco wall console features a prominent nickel plated wrought iron curved base that sits on a marble foot. The curved top is made of Porter marble and features a nickel plated apron to match the three-piece base. COUNTRY France YEAR c....

Rio Rosewood wood dresser with Mahogany details and curved legs

Dresser 0249CM

Rio Rosewood wood dresser with Mahogany details and curved legs Rio Rosewood wood dresser with Mahogany details and curved legs
DESCRIPTION As shown: Elegant Rio Rosewood dresser framed with curved legs in Mahogany and finished in a high gloss. The body of the dresser houses three petite drawers and two cabinets. The cabinet is accented with black feet and original brass hardware. A glass top...